Morgan Vena
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Graphic Design as unique as you.


I’m a graphic designer, lettering artist and print maker with a passion for storytelling.

In a world of canned designs and ready-to-use templates, personalized branding is needed now more than ever. It’s my mission to create unique, memorable designs that help you stand out against the competition. Allow me to support you in your vision to impact your audience through strategic design.


Services I provide:

To stand out against the competition, I provide a variety of creative services to help emphasize your voice and presence in a world of noise. Ready to take the next step? Great! Let’s work together!


Create a consistent presence in your brand. From logo design and style guides to powerpoint templates and image libraries.

Social media

Together we can create strategic posts to connect with your audience. Social media provides an opportunity to hit a wide range of audiences.

point of sale

Ensure that everyone on the team is up to speed with the latest and freshest resources available. I can help keep that messaging consistent.


Stylized spot illustrations targeted to your brand can leave a lasting impact! They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so say more with illustrations!


Get a pizza the action.

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Me & my husband enjoying a laugh!

About Me:

I am a graphic designer with 8+ years of experience creating, innovating and branding for a variety of clients. For the past three years, I have been teaching Graphic Design at Greenville University helping shape the next generation of creatives. When I’m not busy trying to take over the world with good design you can find me with my two cats and husband enjoying gin and tonics while traveling in our 30 year old camper van.


If you made it this far wow. you’re cool. let’s hang out!

Contact me!
