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Don’t Be a Stranger: Neighborhood Project

For my grad school project, we were asked to look at specific words and phrases that we find personally intriguing. My word I chose was Altruism: The unselfish actions towards other people. I chose to create a neighborhood activism project with free resources to groups in the community.

So I created free printable resources for anyone.


My goal was to spread happiness and love towards others and possibly even make a few friends along the way. I printed them out and put them up around town for people to use. I saw quite a bit of interaction with it and I’m pleased with the results. I decided to keep the website up in case more people ever wanted to use it for their own neighborhoods.

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The last piece was to work around how these icons would look in real life. So I put together a mockup of a one pager they could give to their clients. Based off of the service they provide, the page would change color and icon to reflect that servic…